New Release: West of Jesus


Contact: Anthony

West of Jesus
A Diagram of the Early Church and Protestant Errors

Americans interested in Christianity have no awareness of first century Christianity and what passes for contemporary Christianity (Protestantism) is far from apostolic teachings.

“Baptism” as an admission of belief in Jesus and “communion” as a remembrance of Christ. Misrepresentations such as these by Protestantism are outlined in West of Jesus and teachings since apostolic times are traced – baptism is identified as a literal death, burial, and resurrection with Christ and the Eucharist is shown to be the Lord’s actual Body and Blood.

Christ Jesus taught His Truth to the Apostles, they transmitted it to successor bishops unchanged, and so on in a nearly two thousand year unbroken line of apostolic succession. Saint Paul would be wholly familiar with services in today’s Orthodox churches, whereas Protestant functions would be alien. West of Jesus details these dichotomies and exists as a handbook for both Protestants and Orthodox Christians on what has been believed since apostolic times; by everyone, everywhere.

Anthony of the Desert (Frank Atwood) has a Masters degree in Literature from Cal State and under the tutelage of Archimandrite Paisios (Abbot of Saint Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery in Florence, AZ) labors toward purification and blessed humility.

West of Jesus is available from