Contact: Anthony
The Gates of Hades Prevaileth Not
A Portrait of the Orthodox Christian Church’s Theology
An absence of knowledge about the early Church, its Church Fathers, and its saints exists as a common shortcoming in contemporary society.
The Lord Jesus Christ established His Chuch in the first century and the Holy Spirit has been the keeper of Church Truth, for nearly two thousand years the Faith delivered once and for all to the saints (Jude 1:3) has remained unchanged. However, the modern West claims a gap from Apostles in the first century until Martin Luther’s appearance in the sixteenth century ocurred, a dark age wherein the Church disappeared.
Since at least the third century the Orthodox Christian Church, following the model set forth in Acts 15, has held councils. These gatherings, along with the unbroken line of bishops that have descended from the Apostles, safeguard the Church from novel teachings and The Gates of Hades Prevaileth Not examines these councils (and the heresies they defeated) in exquisite detail. The more than one hundred page A-Z digest makes accessing the complexities inherent in such a broad concentration extremely convenient.
Anthony of the Desert (Frank Atwood) has authored West of Jesus (Regina Orthodox Press, 2006), and Spiritual Alchemy (Xlibris 2010), has earned a Masters degree in Literature, is pursuing a theology degree, and holds membership in the National Writer’s Association.
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